What is 4-H?
- 4-H is one of the world's largest youth organizations.
- 4-H is an out-of-school, volunteer led, educational program.
- 4-H is an informal educational program for all boys and girls 7 to 18 years of age.
- 4-H is learning by doing.
- 4-H is kids having fun and learning with their friends.
Elk County 4-H Facts
There are currently Three Active 4-H Community Clubs
- Flint Hill Boosters
- Meets 2nd Sunday of the Month
- Club leaders are: Julia Fechter, Diane Cucar and Sarah Griesel
- Grenola Jayhawkers
- Meets 2nd Sunday of the Month
- Club leaders are: Andrea Arbuckle, Justin Hahner, and Stephanie Goff
- Moline Shining Star
- Meets 2nd Sunday of the Month
- Club leaders are: Stephanie Bogdahn and Bonnie Humphrey
Elk County 4-H Family Handbook (January 2025) - Information about the Elk County 4-H Program.
Link to 2025 Elk County 4-H Calendar